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    Special Interest - Church

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pdt-architect is a registered practice with the RIAI,
the representative body for Architects in Ireland

As a follower of Christ the principal of pdt-architect, Peter Thompson, wants to develop the practice of architecture around his enthusiasms. Peter is passionate about Church life and is dedicated to using his architectural skills to facilitate the gathering together of the people to worship in spirit and in truth. Architectural thought and skill has the ability to make an important contribution to creating layouts that facilitate the work of the Church.

Churches thrive in well laid out and thoughtfully designed spaces and pdt-architect can help release the potential of your church's site/ existing buildings.

Architectural possibilities include reordering/ renovating/ altering/ extending existing facilities or a new build which could incorporate gathering space, meeting space, hospitality facilities along with other specific requirements needed. The architectural process can also consider
reconfiguring the layout of the site, access for all, energy efficient heating solutions along with an appraisal of signage and passive way finding design.

My architectural service will be tailored to your requirements. The level of fees will depend on size and complexity and would be agreed after an initial no obligation consultation and before work on a feasibility study commences.

pdt-architect anticipates a multi-faceted process, considering different development models of how to fund capital projects, exploration of possible planning permission constraints, thinking through various requirements along with a design driven approach to maximising the built environment in which churches can thrive.

Prayer Room 2007            Thesis 2003 - Church Proposal            Church Extension Outline Design 2012

Design     Experience
pdt-architect 21 Meadowbank, Bushy Park Road, Dublin 6   .   tel  01 405 5870   .    email info@pdt-architect.com